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The energy transition and sustainability transition

ACM promotes the energy transition and sustainability transition

Combating climate change is one of the top priorities of lawmakers and of society as a whole. Switching from fossil fuels, such as natural gas and coal, to renewable energy sources (green energy) will lead to profound changes to our economy. That transition is called the energy transition. The Netherlands must achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

ACM also recognizes the broader social responsibility to make the entire economy more sustainable, not just the energy sector. That is why, for 2022-2023, ACM has expanded the energy transition with sustainability. We seek to create the right conditions for promoting the energy transition and sustainability transition. And we wish to remove any impediments where necessary, and to provide more latitude where possible.

Some of ACM’s activities in 2022:

  • Giving system operators financial leeway to make investments for expanding their system capacities. In that context, ACM will pay attention to the quality and efficiency of those investments;
  • Giving system operators room to experiment with new energy sources such as hydrogen;
  • Helping find a solution to the scarcity on the grid (congestion management);
  • Giving businesses room for making sustainability agreements with each other;
  • Dealing with misleading sustainability claims used in connection with products and services.