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2022-2023 ACM Agenda

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has selected 3 topics for its 2022-2023 Agenda:

Every two years, ACM sets an Agenda for the next two years. The topics that have been selected for the Agenda receive extra attention. ACM has chosen these focus areas based on consultations with businesses, consumer organizations, and experts in various fields. In addition, the tip-offs, questions, and complaints that ACM receives through its consumer information portal ACM ConsuWijzer have also been taken into account.

ACM welcomes new reports

ACM wishes to ensure that markets work well for people and businesses, now and in the future. Everyone is invited to help us in that effort. Do you have a concrete tip-off regarding a market that is not functioning properly, one that falls under the Agenda’s focus areas or perhaps one outside of those focus areas? It may concern a market where there is unfair competition, abuse of dominance, or misleading practices. Or do you have a suggestion for a broad market study that falls under our focus areas? Please share your information, experience, and tips with us on our social-media channels LinkedIn, Twitter or by sending an email to %20info [at] acm [punt] nl (info[at]acm[dot]nl).

See also