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ACM has established measures against grid congestion and published basic principles for future tariff changes

Publication News 19-07-2024

ACM seeks to ensure that large-scale users are incentivized to utilize the grid less during peak hours. This frees up capacity for other users

ACM to conduct additional investigation into the financial returns of several heat suppliers

Publication News 18-07-2024

ACM will conduct an additional investigation into the financial returns of several heat suppliers. ACM will focus on heat suppliers that realize high financial returns.

ACM: use of algorithmic trading on the energy market has increased strongly

Publication News 17-07-2024

ACM publishes an exploratory market study into the use of algorithms on wholesale markets for electricity and natural gas.

ACM: Many businesses still do not comply with European digital laws

Publication News 10-07-2024

Many providers of online services still do not have their operations in order when it comes to compliance with the requirements laid down in the Digital Services Act and the Platform-to-Business Regulation. This has been revealed by a recent sample survey carried out by the ACM.