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3136 results found

  • Google to provide consumers with better information after joint action by European regulators

    Publication News 26-01-2023
    Google will, from now on, inform consumers better and more comprehensively about their purchases via Google Store, Google Play Store, Google Hotels or Google Flights. Google will do so following a joint action by European regulators, led by the …
  • Panta rhei, everything flows

    Publication Blog 26-01-2023
    Criticism is increasingly heard across the political spectrum about the distribution of products and services through “the market”, which actually means distribution in which the price mechanism of supply-and-demand plays a role. Sometimes, the criticism …
  • ACM will focus on energy, the digital economy and sustainability in 2023

    Publication News 26-01-2023
    In 2023, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) will focus in particular on the energy market. That means stricter regulation of energy companies. ACM will also publish more market data to make the energy market more transparent. In …
  • ACM’s activities in 2023

    Publication Visions & opinions 26-01-2023
    In 2023, ACM will focus on the following areas: The energy transition: accelerating the transition to sustainable energy for everyone The digital economy: promoting an open and fair digital economy Making the economy more sustainable: moving towards a …
  • ACM launches preliminary investigations in the prescription drug sector

    Publication News 24-01-2023
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has sent requests for information to three companies in the prescription drug sector. ACM has done so following reports about practices that possibly distort competition. These companies are …
  • Ryanair clearer about CO2 compensation following ACM action

    Publication News 20-01-2023
    Airline company Ryanair communicates clearer about the CO2 compensation (carbon offset) scheme it offers consumers when booking tickets online. Ryanair has implemented three adjustments after the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) had …
  • Credit-card companies take measures against hidden subscriptions

    Publication News 19-01-2023
    Credit-card companies Visa, Mastercard and American Express have taken measures to protect consumers against hidden subscriptions. They will mandate businesses that offer subscriptions online to clarify this when consumers pay through these credit-card …
  • ACM publishes new rules for early termination of fixed-term energy contracts

    Publication News 17-01-2023
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has set new rules regarding early-termination fees. These new rules will apply to early terminations of fixed-term contracts with fixed rates for electricity or natural gas. They rules are aimed at …
  • ACM supports proposal for dismantling the net metering scheme

    Publication News 16-01-2023
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) supports the proposal put forward by the Dutch minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) for dismantling the current net metering scheme (in Dutch: salderingsregeling) as soon as …
  • Draft code amendment decision regarding the discount for interruptible capacity

    Publication Consultation documents 16-01-2023
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has drawn up a draft decision for amending the discount for interruptible capacity to 95.41%. The amended discount percentage follows from the fact that, in its calculations thereof, ACM took into …
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