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105 results found

  • Collaboration between banks with regard to cash processing and transportation is allowed

    Publication News 07-06-2013
    A collaboration between three major Dutch banks with regard to cash counting and sorting, and transportation services is allowed. The collaboration results in potential savings of at least EUR 35 million, but does not affect competition between banks. …
  • Agenda for the Consultation Forum of Regulatory Bodies in 2013

    Publication News 23-04-2013
    The Consultation Forum of Regulatory Bodies (MTB) is a collaboration between several Dutch regulators that focus (fully or in part) on markets and market-participant behavior. The participating regulators are: The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and …
  • 2013 ACM Records Management Regulation

    Publication Regulations 08-04-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) is the caretaker of records and files of ACM. ACM’s care ends as a result of transfer, disposal or destruction of its records or files. If ACM exercises powers on behalf of the Minister, the duty …
  • Regulators in the Netherlands strengthen mutual cooperation

    Publication News 02-04-2009
    Six regulators in the Netherlands have signed a letter of intent to further promote mutual cooperation. The signing parties are the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa), the Independent Regulator of Post and Electronic Communication in the Netherlands …
  • OPTA and KLPD join forces in the battle against cybercrime

    Publication News 20-09-2007
    On 18 September Remmert Heuff (the acting head of the Dienst Nationale Recherche [National Criminal Investigations Department]) and Chris Fonteijn (the chairman of OPTA [Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority of the Netherlands]) signed a …
  • NMa and NZa sign cooperation protocol

    Publication News 30-10-2006
    The Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) and the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) have set out their agreement on mutual cooperation in a renewed protocol. The protocol addresses issues that are relevant to the authorities' common fields of activity. …
  • Collaboration between CBP and OPTA for the purposes of regulating the telecommunications sector

    Publication News 12-07-2005
    Mr J. Kohnstamm and Mr J.C. Arnbak, of the Dutch Data Protection Authority and the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority (OPTA) respectively, have signed a collaboration protocol to structure the regulation of the protection of personal data …
  • Cooperation procedure for complaint information about spam

    Publication Correspondence 08-12-2004
    Various national authorities concluded a cooperation procedure for exchanging information and intelligence about spam complaints. This procedure has been drawn up in connection with the enforcement of Article 13 of the Privacy and Electronic Communication …
  • Cooperation protocol OPTA-NMa (June 2004)

    Publication Decisions 24-06-2004
    Cooperation between OPTA and the NMa (the Dutch competition authority) can serve to strengthen the efficient and effective execution and application of the law. Moreover, OPTA and the NMa are obliged to develop operational procedures for handling affairs …
  • OPTA and NMa Request Acceleration of Merger

    Publication News 10-07-2002
    The Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority [Onafhankelijke Post en Telecommunicatie Autoriteit (OPTA)] and the Netherlands Competition Authority [Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit (NMa)] wish to merge as soon as possible. OPTA and NMa will …
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