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106 results found

  • Management summary of draft decision for radio transmission

    Publication Correspondence 17-07-2008
    On 15 July, 2008, the Commission of OPTA published its draft market analysis decision for radio transmission. The deadline of the consultation is 25 August 2008. … Marktanalyse … …
  • Draft decisions for fixed telephony, broadband and leased lines

    Publication Decisions 17-07-2008
    On July 15, 2008, the Commission of OPTA published the draft market analysis decisions for landline telephony markets (fixed-telephony retail markets, the wholesale markets for call origination, and for access to fixed telephone connections), broadband …
  • Letter to KPN regarding its All-IP public migration offer

    Publication Correspondence 04-10-2007
    On 28 September 2007, KPN published a public offer concerning MDF migration (dated 1 October 2007) on its wholesale website. This offer sets out the solution that KPN offers its MDF customers for its proposed phase-out of MDF access as part of its All-IP …
  • The principle of inidirect pricing constraints in market analyses

    Publication Studies 04-06-2007
    OPTA asked Decisio to explore the possibilities and limitations of the principle of indirect pricing constraints in defining the market of wholesale broadband acces. … …
  • Fixed to mobile calls cheaper

    Publication News 15-05-2007
    OPTA decision: Fixed to mobile calls cheaper Advantage Dutch callers EUR 190 million over a period of three years Consumers are set to pay less for calls from fixed telephones to mobile phones in the Netherlands. Today the Commission of the Dutch …
  • Market analysis decision on wholesale broadband access

    Publication Decisions 21-12-2005
    Market analysis decisions Under the terms of Chapter 6a of the Telecommunications Act [Telecommunicatiewet], the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority (hereinafter “the Commission”) is required to analyse the markets in the electronic …
  • Notification form market 16 voice call termination on individual mobile networks

    Publication Consultation documents 04-07-2005
    Summary notification form relating to a draft decisions of the commission of the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority in the Netherlands with respect to the relevant markets for voice call termination on individual mobile networks (market …
  • OPTA gives KPN more scope for discounts: Draft decisions on telephony, broadband Internet access and leased lines

    Publication News 01-07-2005
    The Commission of OPTA, the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority, has decided to grant KPN more scope to give discounts in the fixed telephony market, which is experiencing increasing competition thanks, for instance, to the emergence of …
  • OPTA will be investigating cable subscription tariffs: Presentation of findings of broadcasting market analysis

    Publication News 19-05-2005
    The Commission of OPTA, the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority, will be investigating the prices charged for the standard plans (the most common forms of subscription) of the Netherlands’ five largest cable providers in order to determine …
  • OPTA 2004 Annual Report – Vision

    Publication Corporate publications 19-05-2005
    In its annual report, Netherlands Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority (OPTA) accounts for its activities and results in 2004. In its Vision of the Market, OPTA identifies and discusses key market trends and developments in various markets, …
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