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301 results found

  • Informal Opinion Doetinchem-Wesel

    Publication Consultation documents 28-08-2013
    ACM was requested by TenneT TSO B.V. to issue an informal opinion on the question of whether the investment in connection with the interconnector Doetinchem - Wesel falls within the purposes of Article 16, paragraph 6, of Regulation 714/2009, and, as …
  • 2013 Liquidity Report

    Publication Studies 20-08-2013
    Wholesale markets for natural gas and electricity Liquid energy exchanges are a critical condition for well-functioning energy markets, from which consumers ultimately benefit as well. Increased liquidity raises confidence among market participants, and …
  • ACM: promote sustainability through European collaboration

    Publication News 23-07-2013
    European collaboration can make the production of sustainable energy more efficient, and it may speed up the transition towards a future with a higher share of sustainable energy. That is the conclusion the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets …
  • Report on auction revenues TenneT 2011/2012

    Publication Studies 18-07-2013
    ACM has assessed the spending of auction revenues, also known as congestion rents, by TenneT for the year 2011 and the first half of 2012. ACM concludes that TenneT has spent the congestion rents in line with Regulation nr. 714/2009. … …
  • New connection with German grid benefits Dutch consumers

    Publication News 11-07-2013
    With the construction of a new connection between the Dutch and German grids, it will become even easier to supply electricity on the Dutch market.  That is the conclusion of the informal opinion that the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets …
  • Compensations for power outages exceed € 13 million

    Publication News 09-07-2013
    In 2012, regional network operators paid more than € 13 million in compensations to consumers and businesses that were hit by extended outages (electricity and/or natural gas). The longest outage in 2012 lasted more than 24 hours, and occurred in the …
  • Energy suppliers must make energy prices clearer

    Publication News 28-06-2013
    Energy prices are difficult to understand. That is the conclusion of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) in a study among consumers. A mere 13 percent of consumers is able to see the relationship between their energy supplier’s …
  • University of Groningen has a new endowed chair focusing on the Regulation of Energy Markets

    Publication News 03-06-2013
    A new endowed chair at the University of Groningen (RUG) addresses the question of how well energy markets function and what measures governments could take in order to realize improvements. The chair was created on June 1, and is supported by the …
  • Dutch and Norwegian regulators explore options for hedging on the NorNed electricity cable

    Publication Studies 02-05-2013
    ACM and the Norwegian energy regulator NVE have conducted a study to assess options for long term cross-border hedging via NorNed, the electricity interconnector between Norway and the Netherlands. To date, different options for cross-border hedging have …
  • ACM aims for substantially lower tariffs for consumers

    Publication News 01-05-2013
    Network operators charge consumers tariffs for the transmission of electricity and natural gas and for being connected to the energy networks. These tariffs will be reduced considerably over the next few years. Households will thus save, on average, …
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