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ACM compels online store TI-84shop to deliver and give refunds on time

Online store TI-84shop must refund the money of consumers within 14 days if they invoke their right of withdrawal (cooling-off period). The online store must also clearly state delivery times, and must improve its customer service so that it can be reached more easily. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has imposed these demands on online store TI-84shop, about which ACM had received a large number of complaints through ACM’s consumer information portal ConsuWijzer and other channels.

What was this case about?

Online store TI-84shop sells a variety of electronic consumer products, such as the PlayStation 5 game console. Consumers filed complaints with ACM, claiming that TI-84shop was not clear about delivery times, did not refund money on time, and could not be reached. In addition, consumers were given a misleading impression of TI-84shop on the basis of too high review scores. The online store blocked negative reviews on independent review websites, so that only positive reviews could be read. Consumers have the right to honest information before making a purchase decision. In that way, they know what to expect, financial damage is prevented, and they continue to have confidence in making online purchases.

After an investigation, ACM established that TI-84shop hardly maintained an administrative system, which meant there was no proper overview of orders, deliveries, and refunds. That, in turn, resulted in the online store’s failure to meet the delivery times shown on its website, and to refund consumers who have cancelled their purchases on time. In addition, TI-84shop’s customers have a hard time reaching its customer service.

Cateautje Hijmans van den Bergh, Member of the Board of ACM, says: “Starting an online store looks simple, but it involves so much more than just setting up a website. You need to take your customers seriously. That means that you inform them about matters such as delivery times and the cooling-off period, and that you comply with the rules on refunds. But it also means that your administrative system is in order, and that you can be reached for questions and complaints from your customers. These are the basic rules that online stores must comply with, so that consumers are able to shop online with confidence. Since TI-84shop does not comply with these rules, we are now compelling TI-84shop to make adjustments.

What adjustments must TI-84shop implement?

ACM demands TI-84shop to implement the following adjustments:

  • The online store must maintain a proper administrative system;
  • The actual delivery times of products must be presented and met;
  • If consumers cancel their purchases within the cooling-off period, they must get their money back within 14 days;
  • If consumers use any of the contact options that TI-84shop offers, they must actually be able to reach the online store; 
    -The online store must stop exerting influence over reviews.

If the online store fails to comply with ACM’s demands sufficiently (or fails to comply at all) by 7 November 2023, it must pay a periodic penalty payment of 25,000 euros each week up to a maximum of 250,000 euros.

Protecting the online consumer

The digital economy is one of the key priorities on ACM’s agenda in 2023. It is important that consumers are able to make purchases online with confidence.

See also

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