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ACM Telecom Monitor for Q1 2024: increase in fiber-optic and mobile-data consumption continues

Publication News 24-06-2024

In the first quarter of 2024, around 250,000 new fiber-optic connections were completed in the Netherlands. Additionally, the number of households with fiber-optic plans went up. These are some of the conclusions of the Telecom Monitor for Q1 2024.

Commitments made by Ticketmaster: consumers have a choice in resale platforms again

Publication News 19-06-2024

Consumers who wish to resell their mobile Ticketmaster tickets outside of Ticketmaster’s platform will continue to be able to do so. Ticketmaster has made this commitment following an ACM investigation.

EU consumer authorities compel Vinted to be clearer about prices and conditions

Publication News 18-06-2024

European consumer authorities have come to an agreement with online marketplace Vinted that, going forward, it will inform consumers more clearly about prices and conditions.

ACM has fined online stores for using fake discounts

Publication News 11-06-2024

ACM has imposed fines totaling 621,000 euros on five online stores for using fake discounts.