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142 results found

  • Benefits of ACM’s oversight to consumers amount to EUR 1.85 billion

    Publication News 13-03-2014
    Consumers directly benefit from the oversight activities of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). In 2013, these benefits amounted to EUR 1.85 billion, which is EUR 300 per household. This was the main conclusion of ACM’s first annual …
  • Strategy Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets

    Publication Visions & opinions 20-09-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has published its strategy. Its strategy document explains who ACM is, and what ACM stands for. ACM enforces compliance with the rules on consumer protection, antitrust, and sector-specific …
  • ACM presents its strategy: ‘Times like these call for a strong regulator’

    Publication News 20-09-2013
    ‘In times of economic crisis, it is critical to have a strong regulator,’ emphasizes Chris Fonteijn, Chairman of the Board of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), during the presentation of ACM’s strategy. ‘Competition and consumer …
  • Stamp rate increase to 64 cents falls within statutory boundaries

    Publication News 19-09-2013
    Dutch postal company PostNL will be changing its rates on January 1, 2014. Among other changes, it will increase the rates of stamps (with the number ‘1’ on them) from 60 to 64 cents. The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs sets the statutory boundaries …
  • Informers help ACM track down cartels

    Publication News 21-08-2013
    Have you overheard a co-worker making arrangements with competitors to offer their product at a certain price? Have you asked a new supplier for an estimate, but he says he does not want to operate in your current supplier’s region? Chances are you are a …
  • Dutch postal company PostNL’s 2012 on-time delivery performance was 93.9 percent

    Publication News 31-07-2013
    Dutch postal company PostNL in 2012 failed to meet the statutory requirement of delivering at least 95 percent of mail the following working day. That is the conclusion the Netherlands Authority for Consumer and Markets (ACM) draws in its assessment of …
  • PostNL will not seek compensation for universal postal service in 2012

    Publication News 25-06-2013
    Dutch postal company PostNL has informed the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) that it will not file a request for compensation of the net costs it incurred in 2012 for its execution of the universal postal service (UPS). The UPS …
  • ACM complaints procedure

    Publication Regulations 12-06-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has a complaints officer. The ACM complaints officer is charged with handling complaints about ACM. If you wish to file a complaint about ACM, please use the form that can be found in the annex of …
  • Reduced risk of violation of secrecy of correspondence at temporary storage locations of Dutch mail company PostNL

    Publication News 06-06-2013
    After examining temporary storage locations of Dutch mail company PostNL, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) sees room for improvement in safeguarding the secrecy of correspondence at these locations. The risk of something happening …
  • Policy rule with regard to informers (anonymous and non-anonymous)

    Publication Regulations 02-05-2013
    When investigating violations of the laws and regulations it enforces, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) relies on information. If individuals have information on potential violations, it is vital that these individuals come …
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