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7 results found

  • Electricity transmission requires sweeping measures by system operator

    Publication News 28-06-2019
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has published a number of frequently asked questions and answers (FAQs) about scarcity in transmission capacity on the grid. With these FAQs, ACM provides clarity about the rights and obligations …
  • Frequently asked questions about scarcity in transmission capacity

    Publication News 28-06-2019
    The problems surrounding scarcity in transmission capacity on the Dutch grid have attracted much attention lately. Energy initiatives often only gain access to the grid after considerable delays or even fail to gain access at all, since the necessary …
  • ACM conference Impact Assessment 2016: programme

    Publication Presentations 21-12-2016
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) organised a conference on “Impact Assessment of Interventions of Competition and Consumer Authorities”, to pay tribute to the ten-year anniversary of the ACM’s (former NMa’s) Chief Economist Office. …
  • ACM conference Impact Assessment 2016: presentation Cambini

    Publication Presentations 21-12-2016
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) organised a conference on “Impact Assessment of Interventions of Competition and Consumer Authorities”, to pay tribute to the ten-year anniversary of the ACM’s (former NMa’s) Chief Economist Office. …
  • Assessment of Projects of Common Interest

    Publication Regulations 18-11-2014
    The European Commission has set out rules for large investments in energy infrastructure (Regulation (EU) 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure of April 17, 2013). These rules ensure that Member States and national regulatory …
  • Necessity of additional incentives for investments in energy networks must be demonstrated

    Publication News 18-11-2014
    Energy network operators throughout Europe need to make considerable investments in their networks in the next few years. These are needed to complete the transition to sustainable energy and to realize the European internal market. In order to be certain …
  • ACM provides clarity on investments in sustainability

    Publication News 09-04-2014
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) wishes to create room for sustainability initiatives with its energy regulation. That is why ACM, as the energy regulator, has provided clarity about the basic principles it uses in its energy …
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