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41 results found

  • InSight 2017

    Publication Visions & opinions 29-03-2017
    Make full use of the strengths of the market and the government. That is the central message that the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) puts forward in this year’s publication of ‘InSight’ (in Dutch: Het Signaal). What are the …
  • ACM 2016 Highlights

    Publication Corporate publications 29-03-2017
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets has published its annual report (in Dutch). An English version of the full report will be published later in 2017. A preview of the highlights from the 2016 Annual Report (in English) can be found below. …
  • Royal Netherlands Navy stops unfair competition with wholesalers

    Publication News 02-03-2017
    The Marcandi Foundation (in Dutch: Stichting Marcandi), which was founded by the Royal Netherlands Navy and is located in the Dutch city of Den Helder, has stopped selling food and non-food items to various buyers outside the Dutch Ministry of Defense. …
  • Town of Hellevoetsluis must include all costs in berth tariffs

    Publication News 20-07-2016
    The Dutch municipality of Hellevoetsluis (in the southwestern part of the Netherlands) is competing unfairly with other commercial marinas and berths because it fails to include all related costs in its berth tariffs. As such, Hellevoetsluis violates the …
  • Photo booths in Amsterdam do not constitute unfair competition

    Publication News 17-06-2016
    The photo booths that are located in each of the seven district offices of the city of Amsterdam are in accordance with the law. This has been revealed by a ruling of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), which, at the request of five …
  • Consumers and businesses say what they want from ACM

    Publication News 21-03-2016
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has asked consumers and businesses what they want ACM to do with regard to its most important topics in 2016 and 2017. Everyone was given the opportunity to respond to the ACM Agenda on the …
  • Dutch municipality fails to include all costs in berth tariffs

    Publication News 03-02-2016
    The Dutch municipality of Heerhugowaard (in the northwestern part of the Netherlands) is competing unfairly with other commercial marinas and berths because it fails to include all berth-related costs in its tariffs. This is not allowed under the Dutch …
  • Join the discussion about the ACM Agenda 2016-2017

    Publication News 18-01-2016
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has announced the six themes that it will focus on over the next two years. These have thus been included in the 2016-2017 ACM Agenda. The six themes are: Healthy collaborations in health care …
  • Dutch municipality must include all costs in berth tariffs

    Publication News 29-12-2015
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has established that the Dutch municipality of Cuijk (in the eastern part of the Netherlands) is competing unfairly by offering berths for free on its local lakes (Kraaijenbergse Plassen). As such, …
  • Dutch municipality De Marne competes unfairly with other marinas

    Publication News 08-09-2015
    The municipality of De Marne in the north of the Netherlands fails to include all costs in its tariffs for marina berths. As a result thereof, it competes unfairly with commercial marinas. This is not allowed under the Dutch act on competitive neutrality, …
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