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3 results found

  • Financial accounts of regional network operators must be clearer

    Publication News 29-09-2014
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has inspected the financial accounts of the regional network operators. It turns out that the costs that the network operators had claimed have not always been correct. Correcting these errors lead …
  • ACM: consumers and businesses save 2.1 billion on energy costs

    Publication News 02-10-2013
    The tariffs that network operators charge their customers (consumers and businesses) will be sharply reduced over the next three years. Consumers and businesses thus save EUR 2.1 billion on energy costs. The tariff reduction will have a considerably more …
  • ACM aims for substantially lower tariffs for consumers

    Publication News 01-05-2013
    Network operators charge consumers tariffs for the transmission of electricity and natural gas and for being connected to the energy networks. These tariffs will be reduced considerably over the next few years. Households will thus save, on average, …
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