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105 results found

  • One step closer to completing the internal European electricity market

    Publication News 04-02-2014
    Today, the integration of the day-ahead markets for electricity in the Northwest European region has been completed. In the day-ahead market, market participants are able to buy electricity on the day-ahead market for example today and have it delivered …
  • ACM wants more competition in energy-neutral-housing renovation project

    Publication News 22-11-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) has recommended the four construction companies and six public-housing corporations that joined forces in the project ‘De Stroomversnelling’ to open up the project to other market participants after …
  • ACM: Consumers are central in assessments of mergers and collaborations in hospital care

    Publication News 27-09-2013
    In the Dutch health care market, many mergers take place, and collaborations are forged. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) carries out assessments of mergers and collaborations for any possible anticompetitive effects under the …
  • Assessing mergers and collaborations in hospital care

    Publication Regulations 27-09-2013
    In the Dutch health care market, many mergers take place, and collaborations are forged. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) carries out assessments of mergers and collaborations for any possible anticompetitive effects under the …
  • ACM analysis of closing down 5 coal power plants as part of SER Energieakkoord

    Publication Consultation documents 26-09-2013
    The members of the trade association of the Dutch energy industry Energie Nederland (EN) plan to close down five coal power plants from the 1980s. EN asked the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) to assess whether this plan can be …
  • ACM: deal over closing down coal power plants harms consumers

    Publication News 26-09-2013
    The agreement between energy companies to close down five coal power plants, as part of the Dutch Energy Agreement, on balance, harms consumers, and offers too few environmental benefits. That is the conclusion of the Netherlands Authority for Consumer …
  • Opportunities for collaborations with regard to sustainable development

    Publication Consultation documents 30-07-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) sees room for undertakings to work together in setting up sustainability initiatives. In some cases, the cartel prohibition does not apply on such initiatives, because an initiative hardly affects …
  • ACM is awarded four stars in annual rating of competition authorities worldwide

    Publication News 14-06-2013
    Like the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) in 2011, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) in 2012 was awarded four stars (out of a potential five) in the annual rating of competition authorities worldwide by international …
  • ACM: a mandatory flood insurance is not in the interest of consumers

    Publication News 12-06-2013
    Consumers and business owners should continue to have the freedom to decide for themselves whether or not to take out a flood insurance when taking out a fire insurance. That is the position of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), …
  • ACM complaints procedure

    Publication Regulations 12-06-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has a complaints officer. The ACM complaints officer is charged with handling complaints about ACM. If you wish to file a complaint about ACM, please use the form that can be found in the annex of …
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