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181 results found

  • 2013 ACM Records Management Regulation

    Publication Regulations 08-04-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) is the caretaker of records and files of ACM. ACM’s care ends as a result of transfer, disposal or destruction of its records or files. If ACM exercises powers on behalf of the Minister, the duty …
  • Decision on the appointment of ACM enforcement officers

    Publication Regulations 08-04-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) enforces compliance with various laws and regulations, both national and European ones. Under most of these laws and regulations, compliance is enforced by enforcement officers. With this Decision …
  • Procedure on the Exchange of Information between ACM and Ministers

    Publication Regulations 15-03-2013
    Under Section 2 of the Establishment Act of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) enforces compliance with a number of laws concerning market oversight, which fall under the …
  • NMa: average increase of tariffs of regional network operators 7.1 percent

    Publication News 16-11-2012
    As of January 2013, the tariffs of the regional network operators for natural gas and electricity will, on average, increase by 7.1 percent. That is one of the conclusions of the 2013 tariff decisions that the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) …
  • Highest court in antitrust matters upholds OPTA's television ruling

    Publication Court rulings 09-11-2012
    The Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) on 5 November 2012 published its ruling in the appeal procedure regarding the television market. The CBb ruled that the Netherlands Independent Telecommunications and Post Authority (OPTA) correctly …
  • OPTA responds to European Commissions's recommendation on call termination rates

    Publication News 13-06-2012
      The European Commission today issued a recommendation for OPTA to set lower call termination rates in the Netherlands. Early 2012 OPTA notified the Commission of a new proposal for call termination rates. These rates were higher than those set in a …
  • OPTA: Less regulation for telephony market, broadcast market open

    Publication News 15-07-2008
    Today the Commission of OPTA, the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority of the Netherlands, is presenting its new preliminary draft decisions for the markets for fixed telephony, broadband internet access and leased lines. In them OPTA sets …
  • Summary of position on obligations for VOIP service providers

    Publication Correspondence 25-06-2008
    This is the summary of OPTA's position on obligations for VOIP service providers towards end-users. Wherever possible, VoIP users have the same rights as consumers who use fixed lines for telephony. If consumer complaints show that VoIP providers do not …
  • OPTA's position on obligations for VOIP service providers

    Publication Correspondence 24-06-2008
    In this letter, OPTA informs market participants regarding its position on end-user obligations for VoIP providers. Wherever possible, VoIP users have the same rights as consumers who use fixed lines for telephony. If consumer complaints show that VoIP …
  • Dutch telecommunications regime rated highly

    Publication News 30-11-2007
    The Netherlands has secured second position on the regulatory scorecard commissioned by the European Competitive Telecommunications Association (ECTA), an organisation that looks after the regulatory and commercial interests of new entrant telecoms …
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