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222 results found

  • Consumer organizations warn against untrustworthy online stores

    Publication News 06-11-2023
    Many consumers still make online purchases without checking the trustworthiness of the online store first, whereas purchases made with unfamiliar online stores in particular carry risks. That is why the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets …
  • ACM compels online store TI-84shop to deliver and give refunds on time

    Publication News 30-10-2023
    Online store TI-84shop must refund the money of consumers within 14 days if they invoke their right of withdrawal (cooling-off period). The online store must also clearly state delivery times, and must improve its customer service so that it can be …
  • ACM’s letter generator for complaint letters makes it even easier to exercise your rights

    Publication News 26-10-2023
    Exercising your rights with the sample letters provided by consumer information portal ACM ConsuWijzer has become even easier. Today, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has launched a letter generator, which helps you easily tailor …
  • Europe offers influencers tool for compliance with the rules

    Publication News 16-10-2023
    The European Commission today launched the ‘Influencer Legal Hub’. This tool has been specifically created for influencers, content creators, marketers, agencies, trademark owners, and other groups of advertisers that target online consumers. With the …
  • ACM: consumers are entitled to clear information on sustainability

    Publication News 28-08-2023
    Consumers can only truly make more-sustainable choices when they have clear and correct information about sustainability. Companies should not pretend to be ‘greener’ than they really are. In order to help consumers distinguish between correct and …
  • Study consumers’ perceptions of sustainability claims

    Publication Studies 28-08-2023
    ACM commissioned a study on consumers’ perceptions of sustainability claims. The study shows that consumers react skeptically to sustainability claims, but understand specific and more-nuanced claims better than absolute and vague claims. Consumers think …
  • ACM: prices must be presented more clearly for package tours

    Publication News 08-08-2023
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has urged the largest providers of package tours to consumers to present their prices more clearly. ACM has conducted previously announced checks on 12 package tour providers and concluded that 11 …
  • ACM issues warning against online store

    Publication News 04-08-2023
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has issued a warning against the business activities of online store and This online store sells clothes, shoes, beauty products, and accessories. Consumers …
  • Fletcher to inform consumers more clearly about the conditions of its vouchers

    Publication News 24-07-2023
    Going forward, Fletcher Hotels will inform consumers more clearly about the conditions that apply to the vouchers that the company offers as special deals for hotel rooms. Fletcher has made this commitment to the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and …
  • ACM confronts online stores using misleading countdown timers with their practices

    Publication News 27-06-2023
    Dozens of online stores must stop using misleading countdown timers. Following an automated check of thousands of online stores, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has confronted these online stores with their practices. Online …
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