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29 results found

  • ACM study: telecom providers treat their internet traffic according to the rules

    Publication News 09-01-2020
    A study conducted by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has revealed that measures taken by Dutch telecom providers aimed at managing internet traffic on their networks meet the statutory requirement of equal treatment of all …
  • Annual report Net Neutrality 2017 - 2018

    Publication Correspondence 02-07-2018
    On April 30, 2016, the net neutrality regulation came into effect. Each year, ACM publishes a report regarding its enforcement of this regulation, and their findings. This is the second annual report on net neutrality, and covers the period from May 1, …
  • ACM Policy rule on the provision of information concerning internet speeds

    Publication Regulations 06-12-2017
    In accordance with the net neutrality regulation, internet providers must provide information about what internet speeds consumers can expect from the internet access service they take out. For example, it must be clear what maximum speed a provider can …
  • ACM publishes policy rule on internet-speed information

    Publication News 27-11-2017
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has drawn up a policy rule on the provision of information concerning internet speeds. In this policy rule, ACM offers its interpretation of the different internet speeds which, in accordance with …
  • T-Mobile can continue to offer its Data-free Music service

    Publication News 11-10-2017
    The ‘Data-free Music’ (in Dutch: Datavrije Muziek) service of Dutch telecom provider T-Mobile does not violate European rules on net neutrality, and can therefore continue to be offered. This is the outcome of an investigation conducted by the Netherlands …
  • Request of enforcement by Bits of Freedom has been turned down

    Publication Decisions 11-10-2017
    ACM has turned down the request of enforcement filed by Bits of Freedom. Bits of Freedom had asked ACM to take action against T-Mobile’s ‘Data-free music’ service. ACM has assessed that the service does not violate European rules on net neutrality: the …
  • ACM requires telecom company Tele2 to adjust its conditions

    Publication News 06-06-2017
    Telecom company Tele2 will adjust its conditions about sharing a smartphone’s internet connection with other devices such as laptops and tablets. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) had reminded Tele2 that internet providers cannot …
  • ACM not to appeal ruling on net neutrality

    Publication News 23-05-2017
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) will not file an appeal with a higher court against the ruling of the District Court of Rotterdam concerning the case of ‘Data-free Music’ (in Dutch: ‘Datavrije Muziek’), a service offered by …
  • ACM forces T-Mobile to stop its ‘Data-free Music’ service

    Publication News 23-12-2016
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) forces telecom provider T-Mobile to stop offering and operating its ‘Data-free Music’ service (in Dutch: Datavrije Muziek). This service violates Dutch regulations on net neutrality. If T-Mobile …
  • European telecom regulators issue guidelines about net neutrality

    Publication News 30-08-2016
    Today, European telecommunication regulators issued joint guidelines in which they explain how they will apply the European net neutrality rules. The European rules for open internet came into force on April 30, 2016. “No half-measures when it comes to …
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