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106 results found

  • ACM publishes study into behavioural economics and competition policy

    Publication Visions & opinions 13-06-2013
    The existing analytical frameworks of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) are sufficient to take into account consumer behavior in its competition policy. This is the conclusion that ACM draws from a study that it carried out into …
  • ACM in favor of clearer contracts with breweries

    Publication News 07-06-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) calls for clearer and simpler contracts between breweries and business owners in the accommodation and food services industry. Clearer and simpler contracts help strengthen the position of business …
  • Dutch and Norwegian regulators explore options for hedging on the NorNed electricity cable

    Publication Studies 02-05-2013
    ACM and the Norwegian energy regulator NVE have conducted a study to assess options for long term cross-border hedging via NorNed, the electricity interconnector between Norway and the Netherlands. To date, different options for cross-border hedging have …
  • Appellate court: KPN’s network to remain open for competitors

    Publication News 25-04-2013
    On April 25, 2013, the Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb), the highest court in the Netherlands on antitrust matters, ruled in appeal cases from various telecom companies against the market analysis decision concerning unbundled access to the …
  • Profit margins on mortgages have increased as banks must meet ever stricter requirements

    Publication News 18-04-2013
    Since the outbreak of the financial crisis, the ever stricter requirements imposed on banks to make them more crisis-proof have led to higher profit margins on mortgages. Banks have indicated that they are forced to increase margins on new mortgages …
  • Among those wanting to switch energy suppliers, many decide not to because of unclear information

    Publication News 07-04-2013
    Three in four Dutch consumers who indicate they want to switch energy suppliers within the next two years eventually decide not to because they find the information from energy suppliers unclear and not easy to understand. As a result, these consumers …
  • Market figures for the third quarter of 2012

    Publication Studies 05-03-2013
    OPTA publishes new figures on the situation on the communication markets in its structural monitoring markets 2012 Q3. … Marktanalyse … Mobiele telefonie … Monitor … Telefonie … Vaste …
  • Highest court in antitrust matters upholds OPTA's television ruling

    Publication Court rulings 09-11-2012
    The Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) on 5 November 2012 published its ruling in the appeal procedure regarding the television market. The CBb ruled that the Netherlands Independent Telecommunications and Post Authority (OPTA) correctly …
  • Voice terminating regulation

    Publication News 30-09-2010
    This concerns the market decision on fixed and mobile termination that contains OPTA’s market analysis of the termination markets. In this analysis the markets are defined, the existence of significant market power, possible potential competition problems …
  • Regulatory Policy Note 6: Regulation, Risk and Investment Incentives

    Publication Studies 21-05-2010
    This Regulatory Policy Note describes the relationship between regulation, risk and investment incentives on the basis of the relevant economic theory. The regulation of access to fibre to the home (FttH) networks, as introduced by OPTA, is analysed …
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