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  • ACM has fined World Ticket Center for displaying airfares incorrectly

    Publication News 12-02-2015
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has imposed a fine on World Ticket Center B.V. (WTC) for displaying its airfares and trip prices on its website incorrectly. WTC failed to include all mandatory costs in the base price of its …
  • ACM has fined KLM for incorrectly displaying its airfares

    Publication News 08-10-2014
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has imposed a fine on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines for incorrect prices displayed on its website. On its website, KLM displayed airfares that did not include the booking costs. The booking costs were …
  • Price transparency in travel industry has improved but still not enough

    Publication News 12-12-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has established that transparency about prices in the travel industry has improved. This is the result of the steps that ACM took earlier this year urging the travel industry to increase price …
  • Points for attention with regard to price transparency enforcement in the travel sector

    Publication Regulations 27-05-2013
    In the 2012-2013 agenda of the Netherlands Consumer Authority "Untransparent prices in the travel industry" were identified as priority. It appears that during the booking of airline tickets and other holiday products, such as the renting of holiday homes …
  • ACM: advertised prices in travel industry must be clearer

    Publication News 27-05-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) today launched a consumer information campaign as well as several special initiatives to increase price transparency in the travel industry. With these efforts, ACM wishes to put an end to unclear …
  • Fine on Ryanair for unclear prices

    Publication Decisions 20-03-2013
    On February 26, 2013, the Netherlands Consumer Authority issued a decision against Irish airline Ryanair. On its website, Ryanair offers airline tickets to Dutch consumers. The Consumer Authority has examined the booking process on …
  • Netherlands Consumer Authority fines Ryanair

    Publication News 20-03-2013
    The Netherlands Consumer Authority (CA) imposes a total fine of EUR 370,000 on Irish airline Ryanair for four violations that were found in its online booking system. Ryanair offered airfares on its website that did not include all foreseeable and …
  • Two New European Directives on Airport Charges

    Publication Visions & opinions 10-10-2010
    In the past year, the European Communities’ legislative adopted a Directive regulating airport charges. Meanwhile, a proposal for a Directive on airport security charges was submitted for approval by European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. …
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