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301 results found

  • Among those wanting to switch energy suppliers, many decide not to because of unclear information

    Publication News 07-04-2013
    Three in four Dutch consumers who indicate they want to switch energy suppliers within the next two years eventually decide not to because they find the information from energy suppliers unclear and not easy to understand. As a result, these consumers …
  • European market integration needed because of increase in wind and solar energy in Germany

    Publication News 04-04-2013
    The German incentive scheme for renewable energy has led to a significant increase in the share of renewable energy. However, the way this scheme has been set up does have some negative effects on the functioning of the Dutch energy market. One such …
  • NMa guarantees energy supply for customers of Trianel Energy

    Publication News 24-12-2012
    The Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) today issued a decision revoking the license of Trianel Energy (hereafter: Trianel) for the provision of electricity and natural gas to consumers and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Customers of …
  • NMa has set tariffs of transmission system operators for natural gas and electricity

    Publication News 08-12-2012
    The Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) has set the 2013 tariffs for both the Dutch transmission system operator for natural gas Gasunie Transport Services (GTS) and the Dutch transmission system operator for electricity TenneT. GTS’ tariffs increase …
  • NMa: average increase of tariffs of regional network operators 7.1 percent

    Publication News 16-11-2012
    As of January 2013, the tariffs of the regional network operators for natural gas and electricity will, on average, increase by 7.1 percent. That is one of the conclusions of the 2013 tariff decisions that the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) …
  • Regulation results in reasonable return for Dutch transmission system operator TenneT

    Publication News 12-04-2012
    Regulation has enabled Dutch transmission system operator TenneT to recover its efficient costs and realize a reasonable return. These are the conclusions the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) comes to in a study into TenneT’s returns through 2010 …
  • Intra-day trading with Norway to commence on March 14

    Publication News 13-03-2012
    The Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) has decided that the Grid Code amendments that will facilitate intra-day trade with Norway will take effect on March 14, 2012. The amendment proposal put forward by the grid operators had already been approved …
  • Monitor Gas and Electricity 2005-2007

    Publication Studies 01-01-2008
    Market monitor gas 2007 : Improving utilization of import capacity essential The monitor report 2007 reveals that the natural gas market seriously lags behind the electricity market. A major bottleneck affecting the functioning of the gas market is …
  • WDZ Decision: Electricity cat UK Electricity compliance decisions

    Publication Decisions 07-06-2005
    On 23 December 2004, the Office of Energy Regulation (DTe) approved the construction by TenneT, the manager of the national high-voltage grid, of an electricity cable between the Netherlands and Norway subject to conditions. The 580 km long ocean cable …
  • Decision: DTe Approves Cable to Norway Subject to Conditions

    Publication Decisions 23-12-2004
    On 23 December 2004, the Office of Energy Regulation (DTe) approved the construction by TenneT, the manager of the national high-voltage grid, of an electricity cable between the Netherlands and Norway subject to conditions. The 580 km long ocean cable …
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