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13 results found

  • ACM study: one in ten consumers switches energy contracts following telemarketing calls or door-to-door sales

    Publication News 11-06-2024
    The Monitor on the consumer experience of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has revealed that one in ten consumers that switched to a different energy contract last year did so following an offer (usually unsolicited) made over the …
  • ACM study reveals: doorstep selling is a major nuisance to consumers

    Publication News 24-10-2022
    Consumers are very dissatisfied with doorstep selling (also called door-to-door sales). This has been revealed by a consumer study carried out by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). More than half of consumers have regularly had …
  • Bestair offers consumers the statutory cooling-off period following ACM action

    Publication News 19-08-2022
    Bestair Technics B.V. will offer consumers the opportunity to cancel their purchases within the statutory cooling-off period. This has been the result of an intervention of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). Bestair sells air …
  • Consumers are often in a stronger position than they think

    Publication News 30-07-2014
    New rules recently came into force, giving consumers more rights. Consumers often do not know what their rights (current or new) are. In the first half of 2014, ConsuWijzer received over 32,650 questions and complaints from consumers about their rights. …
  • New consumer regulations make consumers the champions

    Publication News 12-06-2014
    On 13 June 2014, new consumer regulations will come into effect that will strengthen the position of consumers. That is why the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) today launched a campaign on its consumer portal “Consumers …
  • ACM offers businesses help for adjusting their operations

    Publication News 31-03-2014
    In mid-June, new European consumer protection rules will come into force that give consumers more rights. These new rules have implications for most businesses in the Netherlands that offer products or services to consumers. Businesses have until mid-June …
  • ACM: providers of fiber optic services must inform consumers better

    Publication News 19-12-2013
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) urged providers of fiber optic services to improve their information to consumers, and to make their contracts clearer. Contracts should at least include a concrete service start date. ACM expects …
  • Consumer Authority penalises Greenchoice for misleading doorstep selling

    Publication News 31-05-2011
    The Consumer Authority has imposed penalties of a total of EUR 525,000 on the Greenchoice (energy supplier) for misleading doorstep selling. During the period from October 2009 to August 2010 the company called at the doors of a large number of consumers …
  • ConsuWijzer: most signals about telephone sales

    Publication News 02-08-2010
    During the first six months of 2010, the three enforcement authorities behind ConsuWijzer, the Consumer Authority, the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority and the Netherlands Competition Authority,  received around 52,000 enquiries and …
  • Increasing numbers of cross-border violations of consumers interests

    Publication News 21-07-2010
    The number of cross-border violations of regulations that harm consumers' interests is on the rise.  An increasing number of companies offer their services across borders, particularly via the internet, but this does not always take place in accordance …
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