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  • Clear safety standards for new low-voltage grids

    Publication News 27-02-2018
    New low-voltage grids must comply with carefully specified safety standards. This has been laid down in a decision that the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has published. This decision contains the safety standards that grid …
  • ACM decisions on Emerging Technologies

    Publication Correspondence 31-05-2017
    Decisions on classification of Emerging Technologies in the context of Regulation 2016/631 EC (Requirements for Generators) On May 17, the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has issued 4 decisions (on the classification of power-generating module …
  • Energy supplier Oxxio fined for incorrect registration of customer data

    Publication News 08-03-2017
    The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has imposed a fine of EUR 1 million on Dutch energy provider Oxxio for the incorrect registration of customer data in a Dutch central registry of energy companies. Having reliable data in this …
  • New rules regarding bankruptcy of energy companies

    Publication News 19-10-2015
    Following a decision of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), large businesses are, from now on, also assured of electricity and natural gas if an energy company goes bankrupt. Anita Vegter, Member of the Board of ACM, explains: …
  • ACM approves new auction rules for cross-border trade in electricity

    Publication News 06-10-2015
    Thanks to new auction rules, buyers and sellers of electricity are able to trade internationally within the European Union more easily. Furthermore, they are offered more financial security. The new rules may prove favorable to electricity prices that …
  • European energy regulators agree on joint balancing of electricity

    Publication News 24-07-2015
    European regulators, united in the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), have given the green light to the European network code on electricity balancing. Now that this decision has been taken, it means that the European Commission will …
  • Lower electricity prices because of improved coupling of electricity market

    Publication News 23-04-2015
    The Netherlands will improve the coupling of its electricity market with those of its neighboring countries. This has been announced today by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). The improved coupling will take effect on May 21, …
  • ACM: production of green natural gas is expected to increase

    Publication News 09-04-2015
    Green natural gas can greatly help in making the energy supply in the Netherlands more sustainable. However, this green natural gas has to meet certain requirements in order to be allowed to be supplied to the Dutch gas network. Regional network operators …
  • From now on, the Netherlands and its neighbors balance their grids together

    Publication News 08-10-2014
    From now on, the Netherlands together with Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and the Czech Republic will allow the transmission system operators in these countries to share each other’s instantaneous shortages and surpluses of electricity. …
  • Importing cheap electricity becomes easier

    Publication News 03-09-2014
    It becomes possible to transmit more electricity over the cable connections on the borders with Germany and Belgium. Utilization of the capacity of existing electricity connections will be improved. This has been revealed by the draft decision released by …
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