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ISP’s urged to inform consumers better about internet safety

OPTA, the Dutch Post and Telecommunications Authority, wants internet service providers (ISP's) to improve their consumer information on internet safety. To the average internet user it is not always transparent how they can protect themselves against online hazards like spam, spyware, viruses and botnets. The regulator therefore urges ISP’s to inform their customers better. The Telecommunications Act is stating a so-called information duty for service providers. Today OPTA published policy rules regarding this information duty for ISP’s and other service providers (such as mobile internet) about internet safety. These policy rules set out what the information duty entails. Furthermore, they specify which measures OPTA will take when service providers do not meet their obligation. OPTA may impose an order for incremental penalty payment on the ISP’s for the purpose of prevailing them upon improving their consumer information. OPTA aims to have the service providers inform their customers in order for the average internet user to be able to protect themselves against internet hazards. 

Initial examination 
The policy rules mention eight hazards the ISP’s should inform consumers about and in which matter. These hazards are spam, botnets, phishing, spyware, trojans, router security risks, identity theft and unwanted websites. Late December 2008 OPTA examined websites of 35 ISP’s to see if they met the minimal information standards. With six positive exceptions, OPTA found that the majority of the ISP’s should further improve their consumer information. Especially consumer information by mobile internet providers was found to be below standards. In March 2009 OPTA will re-examine these websites. Late September 2008 OPTA published draft policy rules on information duty and consulted the (mobile) ISP’s. Judging from the positive responses the regulator received OPTA expects the ISP’s are going to cooperate at improving internet safety for their customers. 

Internet safety policy 
The information duty is part of the obligation of service providers to secure their services for their customers. Additionally, OPTA is collaborating with ISP’s to find a way to tackle botnets. Botnets, networks of so-called zombie computers, can be used for sending out spam. OPTA will remain active in eliminating spam by using the complaints consumers report on Using these complaints and other leads, OPTA imposed five fines amounting to a total of 624,000 euros in 2008.

Consuwijzer and Spamklacht 
Consumers can file their complaints with their service provider or fill out a web form on Consequently, OPTA receives these complaints. Cosuwijzer is a consumer information desk which was founded by three regulators within the Ministry of Economic Affairs, namely the Consumer Authority, the Competition Authority and OPTA. Consuwijzer has information, tips, example letters and links to relevant agencies. You can also contact Consuwijzer by telephone at 088 -0 70 70 70. Complaints about spam can be filed at