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OPTA issues 51 admonitions for maximum rate information infringement

OPTA, the Dutch independent Post and Telecommunications Authority, issued 51 admonitions to users of premium rate (0900) phone numbers costing at least 15 cents per minute for failing to inform their callers of the maximum rate of each call upon connection.

As of 1 October 2008 all number users are legally obligated to announce the maximum rate of their 0900 premium rate number, therefore making consumers aware of the maximum costs whilst calling these numbers.

To date, OPTA has assessed 172 premium rate numbers at random or after receiving consumer complaints through Consuwijzer. This joint OPTA-NMA-Consumer Authority consumer information portal has made a special online form for complaints about phone rate information or long telephone queues.

121 out of 172 premium rate numbers assessed, which is more than 70%, proved to be in compliance with the legal obligation of maximum rate information. OPTA sent a written admonition to the users of the other 51 premium rate numbers that failed to comply and will be re-assessing in January. If these numbers still fail to comply OPTA may take enforcement measures e.g. imposing an order for incremental penalty payment or a fine.

OPTA also informed telecom operators involved about the 0900 numbers lacking maximum rate information, for the legal obligation affects both number users and telecom operators.