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Clarity for consumers on premium rate telephone numbers

On 1 October 2008 new legislation and regulation came into effect, as a result of which it will become clear to consumers what fees they will pay for calling premium rate telephone numbers. This category includes 0900 (serious information), 0906 (adult services), 0909 (entertainment) and the 18xy series for directory information. When calls are made to a 0900 number for which tariffs are charged by the minute in excess of EUR 0.15 per minute, the maximum charge per call must be stated in addition to the rate per minute. On top of that, clarity must be provided as to any additional costs involved in calling a premium rate number when using a mobile phone.

Maximum tariff per call

Many businesses, such as insurance, energy and telecommunications companies, offer customers telephone services using 0900 numbers. It is not acceptable for consumers to pay for a company’s poor accessibility by being on hold for a long period of time. For this reason the legislature has tightened the rules governing calls to 0900 numbers. Where a tariff is charged in excess of EUR 0.15 per minute, one should also mention a maximum charge. The law does not stipulate the amount of this maximum charge. Mentioning the maximum charge applicable for each call in advance will enable a particular business to distinguish its service from others in this respect. The idea is that this will have a disciplinary effect on the quality of telephone-based help desks. Unexpected waiting times in excess of ten minutes represent grounds for OPTA to suspect misuse. OPTA will be monitoring such tariff disclosures periodically and based on random tests. If it discovers a contravention, it will issue a warning in the first instance. Consumers may submit complaints concerning tariff disclosures and unexpectedly long waiting times to ConsuWijzer using a special online complaint form (in Dutch). By doing so, they will immediately provide OPTA with an indication that a business may be in breach. Incidentally, these rules do not apply to the other premium rate numbers.

“…plus the charges for using a mobile phone”

Mobile phone providers may charge an additional tariff for telephone calls to paid information numbers, so-called call charges. Consumers often have no idea of the level of these call charges. It is for this reason that, in addition to the fee charged for the information service concerned, the call charges which a mobile phone provider levies must also be disclosed. The statement, "plus any charges for using your mobile phone", will not suffice. The disclosure must make it clear to consumers what additional charges will be levied by stating either the precise tariff charged for the call or relevant information about that tariff. OPTA will be calling mobile phone providers to account in relation to these tighter regulations and will enforce compliance based on any complaints which are received through ConsuWijzer, amongst other things.


ConsuWijzer is the Dutch government's consumer information portal. It was established as a joint venture of three regulatory authorities which fall under the Ministry of Economic Affairs: the Consumer Authority (CA), the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) and the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority of the Netherlands (OPTA). ConsuWijzer consists of a website containing information, tips, examples and references to relevant organisations. It can also be reached by telephone on 088 070 7070.

More information is available for consumers at