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OPTA receives 200 applications for 088 telephone numbers

In recent weeks the Commission of OPTA, the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority, received approximately 200 applications for a total of approximately 400,000 numbers which are part of the new 088 series for businesses and institutions. Since they include various applications for the same numbers, OPTA will organise a total of 13 auctions for the overlapping applications.

In the words of Jens Arnbak, the Commission’s Chairman: OPTA is satisfied with the number of applications. A significant number of businesses and institutions appear to be interested in the 088 series. This week we began to allocate these 088 numbers. We are seeking to complete the requisite auctions as soon as possible.

The application period for the numbers for businesses and institutions (‘business numbers’ for short) was opened by Mr Brinkhorst, the Minister of Economic Affairs, on 9 September 2004. OPTA is responsible for issuing these business numbers, which make it possible to use the same dialling code for various centres in the country. As such, there is no longer a need for these telephone numbers to include a geographical code (for example, 010, 020, 030, 070 and so forth). This may improve recognition and ease of use when trying to reach businesses or institutions by phone.

A total of 10 million 088 numbers are available. This means that there will still be enough business numbers for businesses and institutions in the years ahead as well. The series will therefore remain available for applications from businesses and institutions. The 13 auctions are only designed to permit the allocation of the most popular numbers. More information about these business numbers, the auction rules and OPTA’s press release of 9 September 2004 may be found at this website.