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No further restrictions on Internet access for a flat tariff: Ruling on unmetered Internet access

OPTA has decided that the type of telephone connection which a subscriber has may no longer play a role in relation to his access to the Internet. The reason for this lies in a dispute between KPN and WorldCom.

In handing down this ruling, OPTA has revoked the previous restrictions on the provision of FRIACO (Flat Rate Internet Access Call Origination or, put another way, unmetered Internet access for a flat rate). As a result, FRIACO customers will have more opportunities to introduce new services into the market, also for the users of the ‘ordinary’ telephone network. Until now FRIACO has only been available for ISDN users, because KPN did not make enough capacity available in its network for all other subscribers to have it. Since then KPN has undertaken more investments and it is possible to separate Internet traffic from ordinary telephone calls more readily with the aid of special numbers.

Since FRIACO Internet service providers buy bulk capacity, it is simple for them to offer consumers new types of Internet access, for example unmetered plans. In this respect, KPN directs the relevant Internet traffic in its exchange to the relevant Internet service provider using a separate 06760 number.

The Commission expects more consumers to have a greater choice of different types of Internet access thanks to the elimination of the ISDN restriction. Providers are now able to focus on a far larger market. The Commission anticipates that this will have the effect of promoting the use of the Internet in the Netherlands.

A report presented to the European Commission last week cites metered calls as one of the most important reasons mentioned by consumers for not going online. Unmetered Internet access is now coming closer, also to those people who do not have ADSL or cable. This is not only good for consumers but also for the overall use of the Internet in the Netherlands. According to a report published by the OECD in April 2001, the Netherlands is lagging far behind other European countries as far as the use of narrowband Internet access is concerned.

OPTA has decided that the type of telephone connection which a subscriber has may no longer play a role in relation to his access to the Internet. The reason for this lies in a dispute between KPN and WorldCom.