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Consumer Authority fines Sana Direct B.V.

The Consumer Authority has fined the company Sana Direct B.V. for several violations of consumer law, which resulted in many consumers being deceived. The imposed fines totalled EUR 88,000.00. In addition, the company must amend the information section of its website or face a daily penalty payment. Sana Direct BV must also desist from making unauthorised shipments of additional products or risk paying future penalties.

Sana Direct B.V., currently trading under the name Naturpost, is a mail-order company selling items including health food, special dietary needs, natural remedies and nutritional supplements. Products can be ordered through websites and are also offered by telemarketing.

The Consumer Authority began investigating the company following complaints and indications received from consumers. Consumers mainly complained that after they had received an initial shipment, additional products were sent to them without their consent and they could not cancel the order. Complaints were filed with both the Consumer Association and ConsuWijzer, the consumer information desk.

The fines were imposed as a result of it being forbidden to send consumers products without their consent and demand payment. On its websites, Sana Direct B.V. is equally vague as to how a sale is conducted, and the consumer does not have adequate opportunity to correct any mistakes on the order form. The threat of future penalty was established to ensure that information on the website will be amended and that the company, when it resumes its telemarketing activities, will ask for the consumer's explicit approval prior to sending additional product shipments.

The fined company may protest or formally appeal against the decision of the Consumer Authority.