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Consumer Authority launches campaign on doorstep selling

As many consumers are not aware or are insufficiently aware of their rights when it comes to doorstep selling, today the Consumer Authority is launching an awareness campaign. The DeurWijzer, a resource for consumers who are affected by doorstep selling, forms part of this campaign. The Minister of Economic Affairs, Maria van der Hoeven, explains: "Consumers receive additional protection under the law because they often feel caught unawares when a doorstep seller visits them at their door. Unfortunately, many consumers don't know their rights, which is why we have launched this campaign." Today we gave the first DeurWijzer to a consumer in order to launch the campaign.

Doorstep sales indicator

Every year, almost one in five Dutch citizens has to deal with aggressive and misleading doorstep selling. The average loss per person is equal to EUR 35,-, and the total loss amounts to EUR 12 million per year.

Doorstep selling is a legitimate sales method, but incorrect or missing information or an aggressive approach means that every year, many consumers take up an offer at the door that they later come to regret. Under the slogan 'Your door, your money, your decision. Sales indicator at the door', the Consumer Authority is conducting a campaign in order to make consumers better able to stand their ground. The campaign focuses upon a wide target group and also upon the elderly, as they are at home more often and therefore also receive sellers at the door more often.

Doorstep selling involves various products and services, such as energy and telecommunications, but also window frames, magazine bundles, security systems or container cleaning.

The website contains a special feature on how to deal with doorstep sellers. The aim of the specially developed DeurWijzer is to have it on hand when the doorstep seller comes calling. This enables the consumer to verify whether the doorstep seller is abiding by the rules. The Deurwijzer gives tips as to how the consumer can discover the intentions of the doorstep seller and what his/her rights are. The back of the Deurwijzer provides information on what the consumer can do if he/she comes to regret his/her purchase afterwards. Consumers can download or order the DeurWijzer from ConsuWijzer. The Deurwijzer will also be sent to them free of charge during the campaign. Consumers can also collect the DeurWijzer from one of the thirty branches of the Juridisch Loket.

Canvassing: Priority area of the Consumer Authority

Misleading and aggressive canvassing forms one of the priority areas of the Consumer Authority in 2010-2011. In addition to informing consumers about their rights, the Consumer Authority is also able to take action against companies that use misleading or aggressive doorstep selling techniques. If they do not abide by the rules, they may receive fines up to €450,000. Consumers who have complaints about misleading doorstep selling practices can report this at A separate information hotline has been set up at ConsuWijzer to deal with complaints about doorstep selling by energy companies. Minister Van der Hoeven announced the launch of this information hotline earlier this year due to the many complaints that were filed specifically about energy companies.

This campaign, which is being conducted by the Consumer Authority, is in keeping with the context of 'Fraud Prevention Month', an initiative of the international network of consumer enforcement authorities ICPEN, in order to draw the attention of consumers to misleading practices throughout the world.