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Consumer Authority: Paradigit and Computerland to abide by guarantee regulations

The companies Paradigit and Computerland have promised the Consumer Authority that in the future they will abide by the regulations relating to guarantee & conformity and unfair commercial practices. The companies have committed themselves to this as the result of an investigation carried out by the Consumer Authority. On the basis of this pledge, consumers who buy computers from Paradigit or Computerland will receive their statutory rights if a product is unsatisfactory or if it breaks earlier than expected. Marije Hulshof, Director of the Consumer Authority, explains: "By making this pledge, Paradigit and Computerland are making a clear promise to the consumer and demonstrating that they will act as a serious point of contact if a product begins to show signs of faults."

Paradigit and Computerland have 21 and 15 computer shops respectively throughout the Netherlands. The Consumer Authority has investigated these companies on the basis of queries and complaints submitted to ConsuWijzer. The investigations revealed that the information provided by the companies on their websites, their general terms and conditions, their instruction material and the practice in their shops did not correspond to the statutory regulations in the fields of guarantee & conformity and unfair commercial practices. In its Agenda, the Consumer Authority had announced that in 2009, it would investigate compliance with the guarantee regulations in the electronics sector.

Paradigit and Computerland acknowledge that they have not always complied properly with the consumer law regulations relating to guarantee & conformity in the past. The companies were therefore prepared to enter into undertakings with the Consumer Authority for the future, which will soon clarify matters for consumers. These undertakings are statutory. Paradigit and Computerland have already amended their websites, their general terms and conditions and their instruction material and the companies have promised the Consumer Authority to bring the practice in their shops into line with the changes within two months of making the pledge. The Consumer Authority will monitor compliance with the undertakings closely. In the event that the undertakings are not complied with, the Consumer Authority will still be able to begin enforcement proceedings.

Content of pledge

In the pledges to the Consumer Authority, it has been established that the companies recognise that they are the initial point of contact for consumers who have bought defective products. It has also been established that Paradigit and Computerland will repair or replace the product within a reasonable period, irrespective of the manufacturer's policy. Has the product broken within two years after purchase and has it been used in a normal manner? If so, Paradigit or Computerland will repair or replace it free of charge. Even after this two-year period, consumers will still be entitled to a product that is in good condition and undertakings with regard to this have been laid down in this pledge. Furthermore, Paradigit and Computerland have promised not to provide consumers with incorrect information with regard to their right to free repair or replacement in the event of non-conformity.

Guarantees: Consumer Authority area of attention

The majority of queries and complaints the Consumer Authority receives via ConsuWijzer always relate to guarantees. Once the guarantee period has elapsed, in particular, a great deal of discussion takes place on matters such as 'who is responsible for the repair costs?' or 'how long should I expect to be able to use this equipment without encountering problems?'. If providers do not abide by the statutory regulations relating to guarantees, consumers will be confronted with unnecessary high costs. This is why the Consumer Authority has put this issue on its Agenda for the second year. Its investigations mainly focus upon the electronics sector. In addition to supervision and enforcement, the Consumer Authority actively informs consumers with regard to their rights and obligations.