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DTe Publishes Consultation Document on the Tariff Code

Today DTe published an information and consultation document on the Tariff Code used by the managers of the electricity grids in determining their tariff proposals. The consultation document is the first step by DTe, on the basis of the experience with the present Tariff Code which took effect in 1999, in examining the way the Code operates and its effects, and in further analysing suggestions for improvements.

Market players are invited in the information and consultation document to give their written responses before 1 November 2002 to DTe's analysis. In addition, on 14 November 2002 the parties will be given the opportunity to respond verbally on the basis of responses to the consultation document.

In December 2002, DTe will present its conclusions, based on the responses it receives, to the Grid Management section of EnergieNed. EnergieNed is then required to amend the Tariff Code in consultation with representative organisations. The grid managers will start applying the amended Tariff Code as of 1 January 2004. This coincides with the start of the second period of regulation.

The full text of the consultation document is obtainable as of today from DTP's website.