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NMa confirms dawn raids carried out at Dutch regional newspapers PZC and BN/De Stem

The Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) confirms that it carried out dawn raids this week at the editorial offices of Dutch regional newspapers Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant (PZC) and BN/De Stem in the southern Dutch cities of Middelburg, Terneuzen and Breda. Both regional newspapers belong to Dutch publishing company Koninklijke Wegener N.V. (Wegener), part of Mecom Group plc.

These dawn raids were carried out to gather information on whether Wegener continues to comply with the conditions the NMa had attached to the acquisition of publishing company VNU Dagbladen by Wegener in 2000. That acquisition made Wegener the owner of BN/De Stem and PZC. The conditions include, among other things, that Wegener must guarantee the commercial and editorial independence of BN/De Stem and PZC, and that both newspapers continue to be distributed in the southwestern Dutch region of Zeelandic Flanders.

The investigation's procedure is as follows: should the NMa's investigation lead to the conclusion that there is indeed a reasonable presumption of non-compliance with the conditions, the NMa may draw up a report. If the NMa does so, the undertakings have the opportunity to defend themselves, both in writing or orally (in a hearing). Once the parties involved have been heard, the NMa will decide whether the presumed violation can be established as fact, and, if so, what sanction should be imposed on the undertakings involved. These sanctions can be as high as ten per cent of the turnover for undertakings, or €450,000 for natural persons.

The NMa cannot comment on the estimated duration of the current investigation. In general, the duration of an investigation depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the case, as well as the level of cooperation of the undertakings involved.

Indications and tip-offs
Indications and tip-offs that the NMa receives from individuals and undertakings concerning possible violations of the Dutch Competition Act, and preferably accompanied by supporting evidence, are highly appreciated. It is these indications and tip-offs that enable the NMa to increase its knowledge of a certain industry, and to track down possible violations. The NMa annually receives approximately 4,000 indications concerning possible violations of the Competition Act. More information on how to tip off the NMa or to report a violation can be found online at: