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NMa Suspects Roofing Companies of Recently Forming a Cartel

The Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa) suspects three roofing companies of entering into a price agreement in March 2003. This is contrary to the prohibition on cartels. The agreement related to a tender for roofing for the housing association Vestia Rotterdam Feijenoord. For this reason, NMa has drawn up a report on the three companies involved.

NMa suspects that the companies involved agreed a formula for compensating each other prior to the subscription. The party which was awarded the contract was required to pay compensation to the other subscribers to the tender. The companies against which a report has been drawn up are: Consolidated Nederland B.V., Texa Dakbedekkingen B.V. and Cazemier Dakbedekking Rotterdam B.V.

NMa draws up a report if it has a reasonable suspicion that companies have infringed the Competition Act. The companies may now respond to the report. After this, NMa will take a final decision on whether an infringement has been committed and, if so, whether NMa will impose a fine.

NMa has started an investigation into the roofing branch following reports from various customers. This is the eighth report that NMa has drawn up on prohibited agreements in the construction sector.