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Presentation at ECTA Regulatory Conference on telecom regulation

This presentation discussed the draft market analysis decision on unbundled access, which the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) published on October 31, 2014, as well as the relationship with the European Commission’s new Recommendation on relevant markets.

The main points of the presentation are:

  • By keeping in place access regulation, providers without telecom networks of their own are able to continue to compete with major market participants KPN and UPC/Ziggo. This leads to more innovation and lower prices, which is in the interest of consumers and businesses.
  • The access regulation has been designed in a such way that investments for improving the copper network can be made. In addition, enough room for investing in the fiber-optic network continues to exist, too.
  • Furthermore, new entrants in the telecom market continue to be able to offer their services over KPN’s fiber-optic network.


Each year, the European Competitive Telecommunications Association (ECTA) organizes a conference on key developments in telecom regulation. ECTA is the European trade association representing the 'challenger' electronic communication service providers and their suppliers. Johan Keetelaar, Director of the Telecommunications, Transport and Postal Services Department, gave a presentation at this conference on behalf of ACM.


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