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Dutch postal company PostNL delivered enough letters on time in 2013

In 2013, Dutch postal company PostNL met the statutory requirement of delivering at least 95 percent of letter-size mail the next workday. That is the conclusion the Netherlands Authority for Consumer and Markets (ACM) has drawn in its assessment of PostNL’s delivery performance and its location policy. In 2013, PostNL delivered on time 95.8 percent of letter-size mail that had been dropped in their mailboxes. This is an improvement over 2012, when PostNL’s performance was 93.9 percent.

With regard to its location policy, PostNL in 2013 also met the statutory requirements. These requirements concern the range of products and services offered at PostNL locations, the number of locations, and their geographic distribution. PostNL is required to have at least 2,000 service locations. These service locations must be within a 5-kilometer radius for at least 95 percent of Dutch citizens.