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ACM: providers of fiber optic services must inform consumers better

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) urged providers of fiber optic services to improve their information to consumers, and to make their contracts clearer. Contracts should at least include a concrete service start date. ACM expects providers to adjust their contract conditions accordingly. ACM promotes investments in infrastructures, including in fiber optic networks, as well as competition on such markets. This results in more choices for consumers, and in the development of new services for consumers.

Following media reports and consumer complaints, ACM in the summer of 2013 asked all providers of fiber optic services to provide information about their contracts and about how they inform consumers. ACM noticed that not all contracts complied with the rules. In some geographic regions, where fiber optic networks are planned to be created, concrete service start dates are often uncertain. Providers need to recruit a certain number of customers first before they can actually launch the roll-out of their fiber optic networks. Consumers that take out a contract in this phase usually do not know whether or if so, when they will have access to fiber optic services.

ACM wishes to put an end to the provision of unclear information. Consumers must be able to know exactly what to expect when they sign a contract. ACM wants that providers properly inform consumers that take out a contract for fiber optic services about the conditions that apply to their contracts. Providers must inform those consumers better in the run-up to the service start date about the progress of the fiber optic network’s development. If the agreed upon service start date cannot be met, providers must give a new service start date in a timely manner. Consumers will then have the opportunity to cancel the contract. Providers will sit down with the firm that builds the fiber optic networks to discuss the fulfillment of its contractual obligations.

ACM believes it is important that consumers are properly informed in order for them to be able to make a choice. Through its consumer information portal ConsuWijzer, ACM informs consumers about their rights when taking out contracts. ACM will be keeping an eye on indications it receives through ConsuWijzer to see whether providers offer consumers the required level of certainty with regard to information.