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Draft version of Strategy Document Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets

On April 11, 2013, ACM presented its strategy (draft version) for the new few years. This draft version of its strategy is the final product of a process in which ACM relied not just on in-house expertise, but also on multiple consultations (interviews, roundtable sessions and meetings with market participants, scholars, and interest groups) in order to collect external opinions on how the new regulator should operate. ACM invites you to comment on this draft version. We look forward to receiving your comments. Please send them to us no later than June 1, 2013.

Contact details for comments

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lea Latumahina by calling +31-70-722-2599 or by sending an email to acmstrategie [at] acm [punt] nl (acmstrategie[at]acm[dot]nl). This is also the email address to send your comments on the draft version of the ACM´s strategy. Would you prefer sending your comments by regular mail? Our mailing address is: Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets, ACM Strategy, P.O. Box 16326, 2500 BH, The Hague, the Netherlands.

Final version of the ACM´s strategy document

This consultation is meant to be an open dialog with stakeholders and with the rest of society. That is why we will publish all reactions as well as the final version of the ACM´s strategy document on our website. Should you have any objections against publication of your comments, please inform us in advance. The final version of the ACM´s strategy document explains how we processed all of the comments we received. We expect to release the final version of our strategy document this summer.


We do our utmost to make our documents accessible. However, this is unfortunately not always possible. If you are unable to read a document on our website using a screen reader or if you are unable to discern the colors of charts, please send us an email. We will contact you within a week. And we will try to send you an accessible version within 4 weeks.

See also