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Join the conversation about the implementation of the 2020-2021 ACM Agenda

Over the next two years, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) will, in its oversight, devote extra attention to the digital economy and the energy transition. These topics are thus featured on the 2020-2021 ACM Agenda, which is published today. ACM is calling on individuals and businesses to join the conversation about the implementation of this agenda.

Join the conversation about the 2020-2021 ACM Agenda

“We wish to ensure that markets function well for people and businesses. That is why we are interested in their ideas and what obstacles they face. In that way, we are able to decide how to perform our enforcement tasks best”, says Martijn Snoep, Chairman of the Board of ACM. “Do the rules need to be explained more? Or do people have tip-offs about situations where we should take enformcement action?” From December 3 until December 17, 2019, ACM will draw extra attention online to the topics of its 2020-2021 Agenda. ACM invites everyone to share their knowledge, experiences and tip-offs via its channels on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook or by sending an email to %20ACMAgenda [at] acm [punt] nl (ACMAgenda[at]acm[dot]nl).

What are the topics on the 2020-2021 ACM Agenda?

The digital economy

Over the next two years, ACM will focus on online misleading practices and on access to online platforms. ACM is seeing that businesses increasingly influence online consumers in their decision-making processes, using tools such as algorithms and artificial intelligence. Through its oversight efforts, ACM wishes to prevent people from being misled. Another development that ACM is keeping a close watch on is the rise of online platforms. These may get so large that no one is really able to ignore them. For example, they can use their positions in undesirable ways vis-à-vis consumers and other businesses. For example, they could set unfair access criteria. ACM is keeping its eyes open for such behavior, and does its best to make sure that businesses, large and small, have the opportunity to enter markets and reach their customers.

Energy markets in transition

Over the next two years, ACM will also focus on consumer problems in energy markets as well as on the role of system operators. The energy markets are seeing an influx of many new suppliers of sustainable products and services. As a result thereof, new consumer problems arise, according to ACM’s observations. For example, the information about green products is not always correct or easy-to-understand. ACM will keep a very close watch on these issues over the next couple of years. People must be able to make well-informed decisions about green energy. Furthermore, ACM also notices that society asks more of system operators in the transition towards alternative sustainable energy sources such as solar power, wind power, and heat. ACM checks whether system operators make investments in a timely manner, but also make sufficient investments, yet no more than necessary so that people and businesses do not end up paying for unnecessary costs.

More information about the 2020-2021 ACM Agenda