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Draft Decision of ACM on the implementation of NC-TAR

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (hereafter: ACM) has drafted a decision amending the tariff structures and conditions of the Dutch Gas Act. Pursuant to Article 27 (5) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460, establishing a Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures for Gas (hereafter: NC-TAR), the Draft Decision is made available for public consultation.

Draft code amendment decision

By amending the tariff structures and conditions, ACM introduces an increased discount for entry points and exit points towards and from gas storages together with a discount for entry points of LNG facilities. Furthermore, ACM makes use of the option, in the case of a gas storage facility being connected to multiple transmission or distribution networks and used to compete with an interconnection point, of not granting a gas storage discount.


In the period from 6 April 2023 to 28 August 2023, market participants were consulted through six consultation sessions on the NC-TAR and the thereto-related topics and choices. These consultations led to arrangements regarding the NC-TAR decision to be taken by ACM. These arrangements have been laid down in writing in an agreement and have been incorporated into the definitive NC-TAR decision.

At time of writing the draft decision, necessary information for calculating the seasonal factors, the discount for interruptible capacity and the indicative information as referred to in Article 26 of NC-TAR are not yet available. ACM will process the necessary required information in the definitive decision using the methodology established in this draft decision.

Can I express an opinion on the draft decision?

You can express your opinion on the draft decision if you are considered an interested party under Dutch law. You can send your opinion by email to %20Secretariaat [punt] DE [at] acm [punt] nl (Secretariaat[dot]DE[at]acm[dot]nl). You can also express a written opinion by sending it by regular mail to the following address: The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), Energy Department (DE), PO Box 16326, 2500 BH, The Hague, The Netherlands. Please include the relevant case number. ACM would like to receive your opinions no later than December 14, 2023. ACM also offers the opportunity to express your opinions orally. If you would like to do so, please make an appointment by sending an email to %20Secretariaat [punt] DE [at] acm [punt] nl (Secretariaat[dot]DE[at]acm[dot]nl).

This publication contains an English translation of the draft decision. Please note that no rights can be derived from the text of this translation. If there are any differences between the Dutch version and the English version, the Dutch version will prevail.


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