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Consultation of market study into the functioning of the Dutch savings market

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has published for consultation its market study into the functioning of the Dutch savings market. ACM finds it important that the insights of interested parties are taken into account in that consultation. That is why ACM welcomes opinions about the contents of this provisional report. ACM will take these opinions into account when drawing up the definitive report. Below, ACM presents several consultation questions. Interested parties can decide for themselves which of these questions they wish to respond to. ACM requests interested parties to substantiate their answers to these questions with facts as much as possible:

  1. What is your opinion of these conclusions?
    a. Do you agree with the conclusion that the Dutch savings market is an oligopolistic market that is not functioning properly?
    b. Do you agree with the conclusion that it is plausible that tacit coordination is taking place on the Dutch savings market?
    c. Do you agree with the conclusion that increasing the number of switchers (potential or otherwise) is the most effective way to boost competition?
  2.  What is your opinion of the recommendations?
    a. Do you expect that the proposed recommendations will be sufficiently effective in boosting competition?
    b. In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of the proposed recommendations and the additional measures?
    c. In what way should the recommendations be worked out in greater detail, both in terms of process and concrete interpretation?
    d. Do you have any other recommendations for increasing the number of switchers (potential or otherwise) or for boosting competition on the Dutch savings market in any way whatsoever?
  3.  Do you have any other comments or suggestions regarding the draft version of the report?
    ACM plans to publish the responses to the consultation on its website. In this way, ACM wishes to be as transparent as possible about how changes, if any, have been implemented in the definitive version of the report. In that context, please ensure that your response does not contain any confidential information. You have until June 18, 2024 to submit your opinion about the provisional report by sending an email to spaarmarktonderzoek [at] acm [punt] nl.


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See also