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ACM’s key priorities for 2018 and 2019: digital economy, green energy, prescription drug prices, and ports

In 2018 and 2019, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) will focus its attention on the digital economy, making the energy market greener, prices of prescription drugs, and competition in the port sector. The Board of ACM is calling on all interested parties to share their thoughts and ideas about these key priorities in the 2018-2019 ACM Agenda.

Two-way street

Chris Fonteijn, Chairman of the Board of ACM, says ACM cannot do it alone: “The greater our insights are, the better our oversight becomes. Are we on the right track? We would like to invite everyone to share their ideas and knowledge about these priorities with us.” Starting February 13 through February 27, ACM welcomes all comments about its key priorities in the ACM Agenda. Please join the online discussion on the dedicated website (Dutch only) or on social media.

Going online with confidence

With the digital economy growing exponentially, ACM wishes to ensure that consumers continue to be able to purchase products and services online with confidence, that businesses and consumers are able to get broadband access that is of good quality and open, and that businesses are able to innovate, but, at the same time, continue to play by the rules.

Ensuring a smooth transition to green energy

In the energy market, ACM wishes to make sure the transition to sustainable energy sources takes place efficiently, thereby preventing the energy transition from becoming more expensive than necessary. Having well-functioning markets in that process is critical. Reliability cannot be compromised during the transition. And consumers must be able to make well-informed and conscious decisions.

Prescription drug prices

Competition in the pharmaceutical industry helps stimulate innovation and keep drugs affordable. ACM makes sure that drug manufacturers comply with competition rules. In our oversight efforts, we do take into consideration the incentives to innovation in the industry, because that helps towards the development of new drugs.

Competition in the ports

The ports of the Netherlands are key drivers of the Dutch economy. ACM has given the ports particular attention for quite some time now. Over the next few years, ACM will continue with its strategy in the Dutch ports: improving awareness and knowledge of competition rules, as well as compliance therewith, among businesses that are active in the ports.