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ACM sees reason for reduced transport tariff for batteries

Through its power to set the transport tariffs, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) supports initiatives that relieve stress on the grid and that make the grid more flexible. As such, we help realize the transition to a sustainable supply of energy. Storage and other forms of flexibility can bring together supply and demand. For example large batteries, hydrogen, or e-boilers are able to consume electricity when the sun is shining abundantly or the wind is blowing heavily. That is why ACM wishes to facilitate the roll-out of storage facilities as much as possible, within the opportunities that the transport tariffs offer.

Discussions were recently held with the sector regarding the role that batteries play on the grid. The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) has announced that the Dutch government will make 416 million euros available for the use of batteries in large solar parks. As part of the incorporation of batteries into the grid, the discussions also touched on the transport tariffs that go with this type of grid use. ACM has the exclusive power to set transport tariffs.

How will ACM proceed with the proposals for battery storage?

Dutch transmission system operator TenneT has proposed to use a reduced transport tariff for market participants that help relieve stress on the grid by using it more efficiently. ACM is favorable to this proposal, and other parties involved have also said they support it.

Through the transport tariffs, grid users pay for the costs that they create. Part of the proposal is that batteries do not use the grid when there is a shortage of grid capacity. As a result, no extra investments need to be made for connecting batteries to the grid, so these infrastructure costs are saved. Businesses that offer storage do pay for other costs related to grid use. With a new tariff, the discount can be as high as 65%. ACM had previously published the basic principles for such a tariff in its publication on Transport tariffs and electricity storage (in Dutch).

ACM expects to receive a more detailed proposal from the joint system operators soon. Considering the importance of battery storage, ACM will give priority to the proposal for a reduced tariff for storage providers.

ACM expects to be able to take a formal decision regarding the transport tariffs in the first quarter of 2024.