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ACM revises method decisions for system operators

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has revised the method decisions for the 2022 – 2026 period. In its method decisions, ACM sets for each system operator the methodology with which the system operators’ tariffs are determined. From 2025 onwards, ACM will set the system operators’ tariffs in accordance with this new method.

The revision was prompted by rulings of the Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb). With the adjustments to the method decisions, system operators are given more financial leeway. In order to prevent households and business from encountering tariff shocks, ACM has decided to spread out the additional revenues for distribution system operators (DSOs) over three years. The DSOs have thus already been given an advance for this in the 2024 tariffs. The adjustments to the method decisions do not have any effect on the 2024 tariffs for transmission system operator for natural gas GTS, the DSOs, and transmission system operator for electricity TenneT because ACM already set these tariffs in May and December 2023.

See also