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ACM publishes for consultation the draft guidelines regarding the Digital Services Act (DSA) for providers of online services

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has published for consultation draft guidelines that explain how ACM interprets the rules laid down in the Digital Services Act (DSA). These rules will apply to all providers of online services.

Market participants have until February 16 to submit their opinions about the draft version. ACM asks market participants to answer the following consultation questions in their opinions:

  1. What is your general opinion of the consultation version of the guidelines?
  2. Is there an article about which ACM currently does not offer any guidance but you would want to have guidance about? If so, what article is that, and what part thereof would you like to have more clarity about?
  3. Do you see any guidance in these guidelines that you believe does not neatly fit the real-world challenges faced by providers? If so, what guidance is this, and why not?

Opinions in writing can be submitted by email to %20dsa [at] acm [punt] nl (dsa[at]acm[dot]nl), or by regular mail (please include as reference: “Consultation of DSA Guidelines”) to the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), TVP Department, P.O. Box 16326, 2500 BH The Hague, the Netherlands.


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See also