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ACM issues warning against online store

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has issued a warning against the business activities of online store and This online store sells clothes, shoes, beauty products, and accessories. Consumers have complained that the online store cannot be reached and that it often delivers its products either late or not at all. ACM, too, was unable to get in touch with the online store. The information on its website regarding delivery, contact details, and the cooling-off period is incomplete and incorrect. ACM has received dozens of reports about this company, as have the Dutch Consumers’ Association (in Dutch: de Consumentenbond) and the police. In order to prevent more consumers from getting harmed by this online store, ACM has decided to issue a warning against it. Furthermore, ACM is deliberating further measures in order to prevent this company from causing additional problems.

The owner of this online store, which is E&V B.V., is suspected to engage in dropshipping. This means that the company in question sells products that it does not have in stock. However, it has a different company (often abroad) manufacture and ship those products to consumers directly. For consumers, this means longer delivery times and possibly higher shipping costs for returns. The practice of dropshipping is allowed, but online stores still need to comply with the rules for selling online, such as being transparent about actual delivery times.

What to look for when shopping online

In order to prevent purchasing something from an untrustworthy online seller, make sure to check the following prior to your purchase:

  1. Check whether the website displays contact details, a number from the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (in Dutch: KvK-nummer) and/or a tax number from the Dutch Tax Administration (in Dutch: btw-nummer). After all, you want to know whom to contact if you wish to return an item or if you have any other issues;
  2. Check the information about costs, the origin of the product, and delivery times. If key information is missing, ask yourself what risks you are willing to take if products turn out to be more expensive or are delivered late;
  3. Many dropshippers run ads on social media such as Facebook and Instagram. If you click on a link in a social-media post or ad that takes you to a product page, do not forget to look at other pages on the website to see if all of the above information is there;
  4. Check reviews posted by other consumers before making a purchase, preferably reviews on sites other than the seller’s website. Reviews on the seller’s website are not always reliable.

All of this information and more can be found on ACM ConsuWijzer, ACM’s consumer information portal.