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ACM: extra efforts in 2024 to ensure a safe online environment and a well-functioning energy market

In 2024, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) will give extra attention to the creation of a safe and trustworthy online environment and a well-functioning energy market. In addition, ACM is committed to accelerating the energy transition and to supporting the transition to a more sustainable society. This is highlighted in ACM’s focus areas in 2024.

Martijn Snoep, Chairman of the Board of ACM, explains: “This year, we will be charged with new duties to protect online consumers and to strengthen competition. We are pleased with this new legislation, and, with extra staff, we will aim for a safe online environment for all people and businesses. Also, the energy market calls for special attention. Many reports filed with our consumer information portal continue to be about energy. We therefore want to do everything we can to protect consumers on the energy market.”

Promoting an open and fair digital economy

ACM protects people and businesses against abuse of market power and online misleading practices. New laws relating to the digital economy require that online platforms take their responsibility for creating a trustworthy online environment and that they take consumers’ complaints seriously. ACM will educate business owners and consumers about their rights and obligations under the new Digital Services Act (DSA), the Digital Markets Act (DMA), and the Platform-to-Business (P2B) Regulation. A portal will be created where consumers can file complaints about how online platforms handle their complaints.

Accelerating the energy transition

ACM wishes to help accelerate the energy transition for all people and businesses. ACM will continue to work on measures aimed at dealing with the pressure on the Dutch grid (‘grid congestion’), for example, by introducing rules to promote flexible use of the grid. In addition, ACM will come up with the broad strokes of a new method for calculating the revenues and tariffs of system operators from 2027 and beyond. With this new method, ACM offers opportunities for investments in grid expansions. ACM will continue to keep a close watch on the tariffs of suppliers and developments on the energy market through the monthly monitor, even now that the cap on energy prices has been lifted, and ACM will take action against misleading practices and aggressive customer-attraction practices.

Towards a more sustainable economy

In order to support the transition to a more sustainable economy, ACM will focus on education and on actions against incorrect sustainability information. Through our educational efforts, consumers will receive the right information so that they are able to make well-informed choices, and that they are not misled. Over the next few months, the transportation sector will receive special attention in our fight against misleading sustainability claims. In addition, ACM will give advice about the competition rules to businesses that wish to make sustainability arrangements.


ACM itself will be augmented by, among other measures, the creation of an Advisory Board on 1 February 2024. The duty of the Advisory Board will be to give the Board of ACM advice regarding the organization’s general strategic direction, and this will help safeguard ACM’s independence.


This illustration contains the topics on which ACM will focus in 2024, apart from its regular oversight duties. These are the digital economy, the energy transition, and the sustainability transition. For each topic, three themes have been listed. For the digital economy, these are combating the market power of tech companies, overseeing the trustworthiness of online platforms, and protecting online consumers. For the energy transition, these are promoting flexible energy consumption, creating opportunities for investments in the grid, and conducting stricter oversight over energy suppliers. For the sustainability transition, these are taking action against companies that impede the sustainability transition, dealing with misleading sustainability claims, and giving advice about sustainability arrangements.

See also