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ACM blocks misleading directory assistance services that connect callers to the Tax Information Line

On February 21, 2022, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) provisionally blocked two premium-rate numbers (in the 0906 series) because of indications that these numbers mislead callers when connecting those callers to the Tax Information Line of the Dutch Tax Administration (in Dutch: Belastingdienst) while charging a fee. The per-minute rate of these directory assistance services is 90 and 100 cents, and callers continue to pay that rate even after being put through. Callers thus incur unnecessary costs, because they could have also called the Tax Information Line using the direct, toll-free number 0800-0543.

“Offering directory assistance services in itself is not necessarily illegal, as long as it is clear who the provider is, what the service entails, and what it costs. If not, callers may be misled, and ACM may take enforcement action”, says Manon Leijten, Member of the Board of ACM. “There are also situations where callers place calls using directory assistance services that do comply with the rules, but that are still taken by surprise afterwards when they get a high phone bill. That is why it continues to be important that everyone remains alert to such possibilities when calling a number that they found through a search engine.”

ACM has carried out a preliminary investigation into websites that promote directory assistance services in connection with the Dutch Tax Administration. On the basis of the preliminary investigation, ACM has found indications that the number holders of two premium-rate numbers (in the 0906 series) do not comply with the statutory rules on transparency. That is why ACM has blocked these numbers temporarily (up to eight weeks). During this period, those numbers cannot be called, and any revenues will not be paid out to the number holders. In the same period, ACM will assess whether or not these premium-rate numbers need to be withdrawn. In addition, the number holders risk a fine of up to 900,000 euros per violation.

Pay attention to the number you are calling

ACM advises everyone to pay careful attention to the number they are calling. Phone numbers of government organizations can be found on the websites of the organizations themselves. For example, the direct, toll-free number of the Tax Information Line (in Dutch Belastingtelefoon), which is 0800-0543, can be found on If you are looking for an organization’s number using a search engine, be sure to compare multiple search results, especially if those search results also include paid numbers. Most organizations have a toll-free number or a local-rate number.