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TNT Post urged to stop using OPTA’s name for sales purposes

OPTA was mentioned in a TNT Post sales presentation concerning a study into the quality of postal and courier services. Furthermore, TNT Post’s quality was suggested to be superior to that of its competitors in the postal market. This was a misrepresentation of facts. OPTA was not involved in any study into the quality of postal services and would never suggest which postal operator is superior to others.
On 5 August 2009 OPTA ordered TNT Post to stop using the regulator’s name in any of their sales presentation. TNT Post was also required to instruct their staff never to use OPTA’s name again in any quality research. On 19 August TNT Post apologised to OPTA for misleading consumers and promised to avoid future misconduct. Moreover, TNT Post assured OPTA that they have rectified their sales presentations.
Obstructing competition
The Dutch postal market has been liberalised since 1 April 2009, enabling other market parties to compete with TNT Post in the delivery of mail weighing up to 50 grams to consumers and businesses. OPTA is charged with stimulating competition in the postal market in the interest of the consumers. TNT Post, the formerly state-owned and largest postal operator in the Netherlands has been disrupting competition by discrediting other postal operators and falsely mentioning OPTA in TNT’s favour.