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OPTA presents a consultation document on access to the Internet

OPTA has presented a number of propositions concerning possible developments and action in the consultation document. The most prominent of these is that OPTA applauds the increase in Internet usage and welcomes free access to the net as a new alternative for consumers. An important aspect of this paper is the observation that there is still a shortfall of interconnection capacity between KPN’s network and the competing telephone companies, which has the potential to disrupt competitiveness. For this reason, The OPTA Commission intends to adopt a range of measures to alleviate this capacity shortfall. Apart from the administrative enforcement of KPN’s duty of supply, OPTA has cited the following: the separation of Internet traffic from KPN’s ordinary telephone network, simplifying the procedures for ordering interconnection lines, alternative routes through KPN’s network and interconnections which operate in two directions.

The paper deals with two main points: separating Internet traffic from KPN’s network and so-called tariff differentiation.

Internet via a different route

Internet sessions are making ever greater demands on the limited capacity of KPN’s network. If this Internet traffic is to be routed as efficiently as possible, it would be useful to use a separate network for this purpose. KPN and other telecommunications service providers are building such a network. The separation of Internet traffic will be possible by reserving special telephone numbers beginning with 06760 for this purpose. However, separation should not be allowed to distort competition.

Different tariffs

Anyone accessing the Internet will pay KPN’s normal telephone charges, irrespective of whether or not he calls an Internet service provider that is difficult to reach and has a slow connection, or one which provides superior quality. A subscription to a provider may differ but the telephone charges may not. However, the interconnection tariffs which KPN is required to pay for routing a call to one of its competitors differs from one telecommunications company to the next. OPTA is wondering whether it should make it mandatory for KPN to specify the different components of the tariffs paid by end users.

Those who wish to join this discussion may reply in writing and/or attend a special seminar to be held on 14 December. The consultation document and a brief summary of it are available on this website. Hard copies of these documents may also be obtained from OPTA by calling +31-70 315 3564 (the telephonist in the Communication and Publicity Department).

The most important point is that OPTA lauds the expansion of Internet usage and welcomes free access to the net as a new opportunity for consumers.