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OPTA imposes lower interconnection tariffs: Ruling in six interconnection disputes

KPN is required to charge six telecommunications companies, which registered a dispute with OPTA, those interconnection tariffs which were stipulated in the so-called EDC decision of 1 July 1998. Until now KPN has been charging them too much. KPN is required to refund the excess amount to these companies.

Today OPTA handed down a ruling in six disputes which were filed by Esprit, IMS, Viaf Operations, Tele2, Enertel and Telfort. KPN’s competitors are required to pay so-called interconnection tariffs for telephone calls between their own customers and those of KPN.

In addition, in its ruling OPTA also ordered KPN to adjust several aspects of its calculation of the interconnection tariffs in July 1998. In particular, OPTA is of the opinion that the adjustment of the tariff which KPN charges for so-called interconnection ports, will result in lower interconnection tariffs.